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Our Proud Lions Lead by Example

As Lions, our actions and service inspires others. We provide courage and a unique sense of empowerment to our communities and to the world. To do this, we depend on great leadership. And that takes great leadership development for our members.

Lion Don Drew awarding a volunteer



As President, Don resides over all regular and special event meetings. Appoints standing and special committees and ensures their success. He is a member of the Hales Corners Chamber of Commerce. He represents the club at all zone and regional meetings.

"I have always been a community-minded person.  I have been a leader with Whitnall Youth Baseball, coached Youth Football and was a member of the Boosters for Whitnall High School.  I have been a Lion for over 31 years and have helped many people over those years and can't imagine not being part of this great organization."

Lion Tom Smyczek smiling for the camera at a club meeting


Club Service Chair

The First Vice President will substitute for the President when absent from any regular or board meetings and help oversee the functioning of such committees as the President may designate. Tom is an active member of the Community Needs & Membership Committee.

"I've always enjoyed working with people! I was a Lions Club camp counselor in Rosholt in the summer of '75. I was in seminary for 6 1/2 years and I've been in various professional sales positions. But being a Lion has been the most rewarding for me. I enjoy working with people to help them acheive their goals."

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First Vice President

Bob sits as Second Vice President which will substitute for the President when absent from any regular or board meetings when the First Vice President is also not available and oversee the functioning of such committees as the President may designate. Bob serves as Club Service Chair. He is also an active member of the Social and Marketing Committee.

"I'm a very civic-minded person. I love to be involved in my community and help people! That's why I'm a Lion."

Lion Jan Winchell note taking at a club meeting



The secretary maintains the general records of the club and submits reports as required by the District and International Association. She serves as the liaison between the Club, Zone, District and Lions International. Reports serve if there is no Club Service Chair. She sends out all invoices, keeps the club roster current and represents the Club at Zone or Region meetings. 

"As a retired school library media specialist, serving the community as a Lion is a natural transition. Introduced to Lionism by my husband five years ago. I have served as Secretary for the past two years, sponsored three new Lions members and I believe in our motto, We Serve."

Lion Mary Weidenfeller at a club meeting



As treasurer, Mary manages the collection of Club due and is the custodian of all club receipts and expenditures. Giving bond for the faithful fulfillment of duties keeping with recognized and accepted business and financial practices. Keeps all club licenses current.

"I joined the Hales Corners Lions in 2019 as a way to give back. I enjoy working with the Lions to help all people in need. My fellow Lions are the most giving people I have ever known and I am honored to work with them."


Neil Winchell - Membership Committee Chair

Jim Bain - LCIF Chair

Tom Smyczek - Club Service Chair

Jaclyn Beazley - Club Marketing Committee Chair

Jennifer Erdmann - Director at Large

Nicole Aiello - Whitnall LEO Chair

Penny Harycki - Community Needs Committee Chair

Rolando Flores - Tail Twister

Tom Smyczek - Lion Tamer

Don Drew - Past District Governor

Neil Winchell - Past District Governor

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